Off-Road Quad Safari Tours in Crete!
Let’s start by heading uphill through an off-road path surrounded by olive groves to reach the Chapel of the Prophet Elias. There, we will take in the breathtaking panoramic views.
Next, we’ll hit the off-road trail again and traverse a lush landscape filled with vibrant colors as we safari through the vineyards and olive forest, immersing ourselves in the stunning beauty of Crete.
We will then visit a local olive oil factory and learn the process of extracting olive oil. And, of course, we’ll finish with a delightful tasting session!
As we continue our safari tour we will drive our Quads through the narrow streets of the beautiful villages until we reach the traditional village of Sissi, a peaceful escape from our safari tour. Take a walk, relax, or swim! Recharge before continuing our adventure!
Prepare yourself to have unlimited fun on an amazing dynamic dusty-sandy off-road route!
After all this we will enjoy our dinner to end the day in the best way!
Having experienced an incredible Safari Experts Quad Trip in Crete and the chance to learn about authentic Cretan life, we are sure you will come back full of amazing memories that will last a lifetime!